Well… I had this admiration for people performing magic, or at least I used to. Gosh, how I hate to say that now!! Today, I witnessed this absoferakinly ridiculous ‘show off’ of talent, may I call it? A face familiar with Kalaingar TV viewers, I can’t even recollect his name to say the least!
Ok, soon enough you might see my forlorn face in front of the camera witnessing this comedy or errors, errr!! Ok, now I admit magic is something I cannot approach with a sensible mind or a logical thinking but this was a bit too much. It was interesting alright, kinda hooked me up too I should say… but the performer is… yay, what a slimeball!! I cannot even get his name (not that I wished too… he was too ridiculous to be remembered! Lol!!) Am sure I won’t forget the face though! You know what I mean ;) :P
Alright, he did this ring-rope thingy which I should admit was impressive. Then there was this pack of cards thing (can the magicians ever think of something more innovative now, for god’s sake??) which was stupid and not that convincing! Professions, I say!!!
Being the ‘yo’ kinda man that he was (ya right, he sports a ‘cool’ rapeban, read: ray ban and an octo-pentagonal shaped sideburn cum beard cum whatever whatever…) he had to ‘impress’ the fairer sex with the slimiest of remarks!! He thinks we fell for it!! What a shame, such rare talent wrapped up in such a typical clown! Gawd! Can they ever change their clichéd style of ‘oh the beautiful girls out there’ type of remarks, I wonder! May I scream, it’s getting just too staaaaaaaaaaleeeeee mate...
Aaanndd tada…in the end he finished it with a classic “magic is logic” tagline. What a finishing touch! Wow! Advertising firms are in the lookout for people like you!
I cant believe this, while i type all this the typical a@#$h*&^ is standing right here near my bay!!!!! eeeeeeewwwwww...
Midnight Glow
4 days ago
u seem to be havin fun at work
i wish! but i wouldn complaint... this place is more livelier than i expected it to be... this was some promotional thingy for kalaignar tv, and am wondering why our pr couldnt rope in someone else!! anyyywayy..... u shud have been here to witness it!
u can expect a david copperfield in kalaignar tv!!!
huhhhhh?????? why him????
btw ur identity pls...
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