Yeah yeah i know i know!........
Dont remind me guys! i'm at my mom's place now and so no access to net (not exactly) ... its just that after a whole day in front of the comp i just dont feel like sitting in front of another one after i get back home, which is around 8 at night. i should be getting my laptop soon and let's hope (yeah right!) that i should be able to scribble down something or the other once in a while (whether or not i get to post it :D) hmmm!!!
Into the last phase of my pregnancy and i really dont wanna comment about it. all i can say is i'm at the peak of wild mood swings and emotional rollercoasters!!! i just dont stick to a phase and thats killing! i've almost forgotten what its like to be pleasant and smiling and u know... generally being nice! urgh i hate this!
interest in doing anything? - almost nil
wanting to do anything? yeah but refer to the previous point
anxiety? - tons n loads
calm mindset? - in the train when am returning home after work, prob'ly?
irritated? - hmm u dont wanna know!
actually, i'm all on the negative phase of pregnancy than being on the positive side and thats really bad! for a fact that pregnancy was supposed to be a 'pleasant' and 'wonderful' experience, i just dunno why things take the other way round in my case alone!!! f*#$ing s&*t!!! no seriously, can i have a break, pls??? marriage was a hurry-burry thing which left little time for me to bask in the glory and enjoy it thoroughly... and now this! i'm getting to hate it, i swear!!
things jus seem to keep on taking the same kinda twist... weird!
actually this post wasnt meant to be here but what the heck and who cares! Duh!
Midnight Glow
4 days ago
have closely witnessed this mood swings and i have heard many of my friends saying the same thing, but they all said that at the end, all this suffering was relay worth it. :) All the best for you and your future kid - :-D hope the phase ends up with a very good note :)
hey thanks a lot for that silver lining kinda works! appreciate it... yeah even i hope this phase ends soon enough.. thanks a lot :)
Hang in there hon...
To quote the ancestors, "Koch-inte thala kandapol pressava-vehthana marannu."
als rlky gonna be fine after sum time sis..Its the last trimester rite??ellam sheriyaavumm nne..You thot al dis was childs play btw?? :p
Take care hun... :)
@ Jane,
kochinte thala kaanana varekyum??? i'm jus waiting for that moment actually!! pulling off to that point is what's killing!! i feel i've been pregnant for ages... lol!!
@ multi,
NOOOOOOO... It definitely aint a child's play i realised!! lol!! Thanks mon, i really need all the pampering!! :D days are actually closing in, isnt it?? wow!! :O
i think ur missin ellu? cnt finda better reason for ur mood swings...
mazel tov on the good news ! when's the due date?
missing ellu is part of the package.. but then mood swings do happen... blame it on the harmones!! wat say swar?? :P
santosh :O
where have u been? long time... thanks, am due in may... may 19 to be precise!
hey sne... I think its all part of the package.. and m bloody sure all moms have gone thru it time, smtime or the other. But since the going has been good so far, i guess u have nothing to worry. Relax and take good care of urself. And TRY to be happy. U owe smthg to ur baby rite :(
wow, neetu... you're finally out there somewhere!!! where were you all this while???
anyway, you couldnt make me feel even more depressed neet... am already wondering how am gonna make it up to my baby when she's born... boohoo!! let's hope lets hope!! :)
keep in touch da and thanks for lifting my spirit anyhow :)
hey da, hang in there
things will work out soon and ur will be in ur gr8 spirits soon
Hehe well that wont make me say i wann get pregg....anyway u gonna b a mom soon, so try and b positive dear darling....
sure thing kel... i'm trying my best. been better last few days, its jus the mood swings like i've mentioned!! anyway thanks da :)
sne...listen to jane...marriage has made her so freaking nanny like..shes advising everyone on what to do:) sounded exited abt the whole thing and im pretty sure you are looking fwd to it.
oh nish, how i am! i'm pretty excited but you know its quite weird you know! as for jane... she'll have her time, wat say?? :P
btw... u had a blog, i never knew!
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