Tuesday, 31 July 2007

I aint no scared anymore...

Bring it on u lousy freak
show me how u can ruin MY life
you aint not lift your finger no longer
lest you feel thats the worst u've ever done so far
now lets c wat u've got urself... threat? blood? life?
oh c'mon, u aint no scaring me anymore...
and i aint no scared of u anymore!


Pointblank said...

hey Sne.. is tat u? I have read ur blog with out realizing that its u.. how did u track mine, y te way?

Blindwreck said...

orkut baibee!! :D

Anonymous said...

It just took me a sec
the day after u let me go
to realize that
there is no us without u

i aint wanna hurt u
i bury my words
i aint wanna scare u
i bury myself

now dat u aint scared
i step outta my graveyard
just to find dat it wasnt u
twas always me who was scared

am still a mute
and no way am gonna refute
am down on ma knees
asking for some peace

living aint this worth
gift me a wreath
and bless me with death
coz u aint in my breath


Blindwreck said...

@ anony
beautiful piece! but may i kno who it is though?

Anonymous said...

da tribal aquarian!!!

Blindwreck said...

ooh! gud show!!

Anonymous said...

enna patha :O no no

Anonymous said...

btw y is dat u can be a nameless identity but would like to know who others are... aint dat unfair?

Blindwreck said...

Do u wanna be a repeat of another nameless identity as well??

sansmerci said...

awesome song sne .. i can relate it to ...

but the tribal aquarian brght tears to my eyes ... i wish it was a comment on my blog ... :(

ur doin gr8 keep writing babe

Blindwreck said...

yea sure sweet.. tribal's is a beautiful piece of poem.. very moving n very timely!!

Anonymous said...

Tanq ladies....

sans... danx... u will get ur share ;P

blind.... i want to be me and not someone... so sary... i don wanna be another nameless identity... there are already one too many...

and about timely... i wrote this after reading ur blog... so it has to be timely... hehe

da t a

sansmerci said...

ur older template was better babe... suits ur blog title ... or so i feel

Blindwreck said...

hmm mayb but this is a sign of change! ;) lol...

Partha said...

yet another great song.. u guys are awesome!

Anonymous said...

i told ya!!! ur earler template was super kewl...

ta da

Blindwreck said...

@ partha
thank u... btw its not a song or a poem at all.. jus few words put together.. funny, i never thot it as a poem myself.. wow!! thnx again!! :D

@ ta da
yeah i kno da but change in life is sometimes kewl!! :D wat say u!??

Blindwreck said...

@ partha
kickass dzine of ur site mate.. neat work! one suggestion though.. i guess u can maintain ur top global navi throughout the site, thats very necessary in a site.. rest, maybe i can tell u once u r completely thru with it! anyways gud work n all the best!

Partha said...

just few words sound so good, wonder how good your poems woudl be :) btw read your other poems (or those few words put together).. they r great.. u got more posted somewhere?

abt the site.. danx :) the top nav.. yeah i get wht ur sayin.. am not a web developer myself and managed to get this goin with wht i know and tools i got.. will try to play arnd with it to get that set right sometim.. okay more posts!


Blindwreck said...

@ partha
shud be posting soon.. am too lazy honestly speaking! :D
btw.. if u need any web help, dzine wise or something like that i can put u thru some frnds of mine if u want... tc n thnx again..

Partha said...

hehe yeah happens but do post often..

abt the web help.. thanks a bunch for that.. am plannin to do quite a lot of stuff on that, but nothign as of now, kinda sat with it for too long and got other thigns to do right now.. but yeah ll surely let ya know incase i need some help.. thanks again..
